Zambeef stands with Mayor Sampa on Lusaka Covid-19 action


Zambeef stands with Mayor Sampa on Lusaka Covid-19 action

LUSAKA, ZAMBIA – Zambeef has extended its unwavering support towards the fight against COVID-19 to the mayor’s office in Lusaka.

The company this week presented Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa with assorted food supplies, two hygiene stations, 200 facemasks and 210 litres of hand sanitiser to beef-up his war against the respiratory disease in the former epicentre.

“We will never stop feeding the nation as Zambeef; neither will we not relent in fighting COVID-19 with the nation,” assured Zambeef Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Chishala Malekano.

Mr Malekano observed that local councils were important frontliners in the fight against COVID-19.

“They ensure our markets are clean and safe for trading and ensure our streets safe for walking through or running errands,” he explained.

The donation to the office of the Lusaka mayor is part of Zambeef’s robust public health programme that includes setting up 10 sanitary control points in 10 town councils, including: Chibombo, Chisamba, Choma, Chirundu, Chongwe, Kitwe, Mpongwe, Mpika, Mumbwa and Namwala.

The country’s largest food retailing company has so far established hygiene centres at Choma, Namwala, Mongu, Kaoma and Senanga town councils.

“Since we already set up two sanitary control points last month, we can safely say we have eight to go. And, your worship, be rest assured that Zambeef will deliver on the remaining control points,” Mr Malekano emphasised.

The Zambeef marketing and corporate affairs manager also called on Lusaka residents to remain vigilant in the fight against COVID-19 while adapting to the new normal.
“Please do not be complacent until Zambia is declared COVID-19-free. For now, let us all adhere to the laid down preventive measures. Then, and only then, shall we conquer COVID-19 as nation,” he said.

Meanwhile, Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa commended Zambeef for extending its spirited fight against COVID-19 to his office. “I knew at some point you would come through in a big way. Teti mutu lekeleshe mu Lusaka (you cannot let Lusaka residents down). Thank you for remembering the people of Lusaka,” he said.

Mr Sampa emphasised that the donated items by Zambeef would be distributed immediately to various wards and constituencies in the capital city.
“We’ll distribute to Garden, Mandevu, Zingalume, Matero, Chibolya, Chawama, Mtendere, Kalingalinga… Be assured that wherever we’ll give, we’ll make them sign,” the Lusaka mayor noted.

Since March, when Zambia recorded its first two confirmed cases of COVID-19, Zambeef has been fighting the disease with the nation. The food company donated PPEs worth K52,000 to the Ministry of Health that month to ensure safety of frontline health workers. In April, Zambeef teamed up with Parrogate and Nshimbi Steel and provided 135,000 meals for quarantine centres and frontline health workers in Zambia. Last month, the company donated face masks to help equip the quarantine centre at University of Zambia (UNZA) in Lusaka.

Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa receives donations from Zambeef Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager Chishala Malekano.

About Zambeef Products Plc
Zambeef Products Plc is the largest integrated cold chain food products and agribusiness company in Zambia and one of the largest in the region, involved in the primary production, processing, distribution and retailing of beef, chicken, pork, milk, eggs, dairy products, fish, flour and stockfeed, throughout Zambia and the surrounding region, as well as Nigeria and Ghana.

It has 228 retail outlets throughout Zambia and West Africa.

The company is one of the largest suppliers of beef in Zambia. Five beef abattoirs and three feedlots located throughout Zambia, with a capacity to slaughter 230,000 cattle a year. It is also one of the largest chicken and egg producers in Zambia, with a capacity of 8.8m broilers and 22.4 million day-old chicks a year.
It is one of the largest piggeries, pig abattoirs and pork processing plants in Zambia, with a capacity to slaughter 75,000 pigs a year, while its dairy has a capacity of 120,000 litres per day.

The Group is also one of the largest cereal row cropping operations in Zambia, with approximately 7,973 hectares of row crops under irrigation, which are planted twice a year, and a further 8,776 hectares of rainfed/dry-land crops available for planting each year.

Zambeef employs over 7,400 people with a total wage bill of K38 million per month.

More information is available at