Plot 4970, Manda Road,
Industrial Area,
Lusaka, Zambia
Tel:+260 211 369 000
Fax:+260 211 369 050
Postal Address:
Private Bag 17, Woodlands,
Lusaka, Zambia
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Zambeef Products Plc has zero tolerance towards corruption. We remain committed to being a responsible corporate citizen and are dedicated to maintaining integrity and transparency in our community. To safely and anonymously report any unethical behaviour or misconduct that you have witnessed or experienced, please fill out the feedback and questions form with as much detail as possible. Every report is handled with the utmost seriousness and discretion.
Corporate governance
Zambeef Products Plc values excellence in corporate governance, emphasising the principles of openness, integrity, transparency and accountability. High ethical standards and a robust framework of corporate governance policies and procedures underpin all our decision-making and management processes.
The Board of Directors believes that good corporate governance must be demonstrated and verifiable. This approach fosters trust and confidence in the management of our business, among all our stakeholders.
Corporate Governance Code
The board has established its own corporate governance code that complies with the LuSE Corporate Governance Code. Additionally, it has formally adopted the QCA Code, the recommended code for AIM-listed companies.
The Chairman of the Board acknowledges his leadership role and responsibility in promoting good corporate governance for Zambeef. The board is confident in its application of the QCA Code across the main areas of delivering growth, maintaining a dynamic management framework and building trust. We will provide annual updates on our compliance with the QCA Code in our annual report and on our website.
Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors is responsible for guiding Zambeef's performance and direction by setting strategic objectives and key policies, as well as approving major business decisions in accordance with its charter.
We believe that our board’s overall composition is appropriate, with no individual or group dominating the decision-making process, and with a good balance between knowledge, experience and independence.
The board meets regularly to discuss the strategic direction of the company and any significant deviation or change will be promptly highlighted should this occur.
Details of the current directors, their roles and background can be viewed on our Board of Directors page.
Interaction with stakeholders
Zambeef has several shareholder meetings – formally through annual AGMs (and EGMs where necessary/required) and informally through biennial, quarterly or monthly meetings for institutional shareholders. Shareholders’ views are shared in an open and frank manner with senior management taking due note of their concerns. The board believes that this has proven successful as their views have fed into the current corporate strategy. The Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer also meet with shareholders and present formal results presentations biennially in Zambia, South Africa and the UK.
We publish the outcome of all shareholder resolutions immediately after each AGM/EGM. Historically, all resolutions have previously been passed with a significant majority and/or unanimously. All market announcements and annual reports for the past decade are on our website.
Our business model emphasises the importance of maintaining strong working relationships with:
We receive their feedback through face-to-face meetings, customer care hotlines, technical advisor meetings and written communications. In the case of customer feedback, we have developed/tailored products in our stockfeed division according to customer requirements/needs. While product improvement programmes have been adopted in the production of certain cold chain food products.
The environmental impact of our activities is a priority, and we strive to maintain high environmental standards, working towards international best practices in all aspects of our operations. We have established an Environmental and Social Committee to provide strategic advice and guidance regarding systemic and strategic environmental and social issues. We have also developed a structured Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) to ensure continuous performance improvement at operational level.
Corporate governance advice has been received and implemented from LuSE and AIM. Detailed application of feedback from ZEMA, WARMA, financiers and social responsibility partners is described in the annual report.
Corporate governance in action
Risk management
An effective group risk assessment/risk management tool, based on recommended best practice and regular inputs from senior management, is formally reviewed on a quarterly basis.
Formal quarterly risk assessments are carried out at group level, and per company and division in conjunction with respective heads of business units/general managers. This provides the audit and risk committee and directors with regular updates/ mitigating action plans on all the major risks facing the group.
The group risk assessment, as outlined above, is used by the board to execute and deliver our strategy. For example, the group risk assessment has highlighted foreign exchange and interest rate risks as high impact areas for the business. This has been duly noted in the company’s debt reduction and efficient cash management strategy, which forms part of the current business plan and corporate strategy. Assurance is gained from an internal audit.
Internal audit
The dedicated and independent internal audit function, operating under an internal audit charter, reports directly to the audit committee of the board, ensuring its autonomy and objectivity. It independently reviews and monitors governance processes, risk management framework/processes, and related mitigating action plans implemented by management. It also provides objective assurance of the operation and validity of internal control systems through regular compliance audit programmes, making recommendations for improvement as required.
For significant purchases and contracts exceeding predetermined thresholds, the board mandates competitive bidding through a formal Delegation of Limits and Authority policy document, approved by the board and senior management.
Share dealing code
Our company has adopted a share dealing code for dealings in shares by the directors and senior employees, aligning with the standards expected of an AIM/LuSE listed company. Directors ensure compliance with Rule 21 of the AIM rules for companies relating to directors’ dealings and take all reasonable steps to ensure compliance by the company’s relevant employees, including obtaining advice and opinion from our AIM nominated advisor.
Incident reporting, anti-bribery and corruption, and whistleblowing policies and procedures
Our company has detailed policies and procedures covering incident reporting, anti-bribery and corruption (ABC), and whistle blowing.
The group’s ABC programme, formulated in conjunction with CDC Group PLC (CDC), adheres to international best practice. It is well structured, documented and rigorously monitored.
We have a dedicated internal, high-level whistle blowing manager overseeing reports and complaints. These complaints can be made in various forms, and anonymously, without fear of adverse consequences. This policy has active senior management encouragement and has had widespread communication within the group, with a verifiable and transparent process for handling complaints. This approach has resulted in valuable information being obtained for further action/investigation.
Internal audit closely monitors, reviews and reports on all these policies to the audit and risk committee of the board.
Group code of ethics and conduct
Our company has implemented and widely disseminated to all stakeholders including suppliers, a group code of ethics and conduct, aligned with the LuSE Corporate Governance Code section on organisational integrity. This code of ethics covers the important principles and detailed ethical guidelines with respect to responsibility, accountability, transparency, and fairness.
The board firmly believes that a culture based on ethical values and behaviours is fundamental to achieving Zambeef’s objectives. Without a foundation of sound ethical conduct, stakeholders would struggle to maintain trust in the organisation's ability to achieve its goals. The group code of ethics outlines expected behaviours in detail.
The board, through its audit and risk committee, oversees management's dissemination of the code among all stakeholders. The committee also holds the responsibility of reviewing any instances of ethical misconduct involving directors or senior management. Reports of such cases may be made through the group’s whistle blowing policy/procedures, incident reporting channels, or directly to the audit committee or board.
Monitoring compliance with the code is further reinforced by the internal audit department’s review of incident reports from disciplinary proceedings, reports on management and staff conflicts of interests, control procedures and anti-bribery and corruption matters. The board has not identified any significant ethical issues and believes that the overall corporate culture is healthy.
Board evaluation
Each year, the board conducts a self-assessment of its performance based on the objectives outlined in its charter. The company secretary is responsible for gathering and reporting the findings from each board member. Details and updates on the board's evaluation are provided in the annual report and on our website.
Learn more about our board evaluation.
Board committees
The board has three principal standing committees, led by the non-executive chairman, with well-defined terms of reference. These terms align with recommended best practice for LuSE/AIM listed companies/ICSA and adhere to requirements from co-operating partners.
While recognising that no control system can provide absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss, the directors are confident that internal control systems established within the group are suitable for the business.
Learn more about our Board Committees.
Directors’ interests in other companies
In accordance with Section 110 of the Companies Act of Zambia, all directors are required to declare their interests in other companies to the board. This information is duly considered should any such company enter into a contract with any group entity. To uphold transparency and ensure proper management of approved transactions, the group has implemented a related parties transactions policy.
Directors’ shareholdings
In compliance with Sections 30, 110 and 195 of the Companies Act of Zambia, all directors are required to disclose their shareholdings in the company and any related companies.
Company secretary
The board is responsible for appointing the company secretary and all directors have access to his services. If deemed necessary, the board may seek independent professional advice on some matters.
The company secretary ensures the following: