Investor Relations

Investor Support


Where else is Zambeef Products Plc listed?

Zambeef has a primary losting on the Lusaka Securities Exchange (Zambia) and on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market (AIM). More details of our London listing can be found here:

  • On Zambeef AIM Rule 26 page; and
  • On LSE AIM page

I am looking for the Company's contact details

Our physical and postal addresses as well as our telephone and fax numbers appear on the are as follows:


Registered Office:
Plot 4970, Manda Road
Industrial Area
Lusaka, Zambia
Tel:+260 211 369 000
Fax:+260 211 369 050


Postal Address:
Private Bag 17, Woodlands
Lusaka, Zambia


Details and contacts of our advisors are available on our website: AIM Rule 26

Who are the Zambeef board of directors?

You may view our current directors from our website here.

How can a shareholder keep updated on investor news?

It is our primary goal to communicate with all stakeholders electronically. If you would like to receive future communications from the Company by e-mail, please subscribe to receive the relevant alerts from us.

Which shareholders can attend an Annual General Meeting?

Every shareholder, both majority and minority shareholders, has the right to attend the Annual General Meeting, either in person or by proxy. The proxy need not be a member of the company.


How do I submit a question to management?

You may submit any question to management through our online ticketing system which is available on our helpdesk portal. We recommend that you first go through our KnowledgeBase ( to see if there is no solution already to your query.

Who is the Chairman of Zambeef?

You may see all our directors here.

What is Zambeef’s Reuters code?

It is ZMBF.LZ. You may find more details on


When is the AGM of the company?

Our AGMs are normally held in December. You may sign-up to receive email notifications of future corporate announcements from the company here.

Do you have any links to other investor educational information?

Yes. Visit the AfricanFinancial KnowledgeBase:

What is a dividend?

A dividend is a taxable sum of money declared by a company’s board of directors and given to its shareholders out of the company’s current or retained earnings. Dividends are usually given as cash (cash dividend), but they can also take the form of stock (scrip dividend) or other property. There is no guarantee that a company will make dividend payments in any given year or years.

Can I have my dividends paid directly into my bank account?

Yes. Contact our transfer secretaries with your banking details by submitting a ticket here.

Can I take my dividend in shares?

It depends on the type of the dividend declared. If it’s a purely cash dividend, you do not have an option to take up shares instead. However, if a cash dividend with a scrip option is declared, you can opt to receive more shares in the company. If you are paid your dividend in cash, you can ask your broker to reinvest the proceeds into Zambeef shares on your behalf.

I haven’t received my last dividend cheque, what should I do?

You should contact our Transfer Secretaries whose details are listed on the AIM Rule 26 page of our website. They will check the payment details and, if appropriate, issue a replacement cheque. To avoid this problem in future you may wish to consider having your dividends paid electronically into your bank or building society account. To do so, you need to provide our registrars with your banking details and instruct them to this effect.

Who are your transfer secretaries?

Our transfer agents are:


for the London listing:

Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Ltd

Queensway House, Hilgrove Street

St Helier, Jersey JE1 1ES


or, for the LuSE listing:

Central Securities Depository (Zambia)
Lusaka Stock Exchange Limited

Exchange Building

Central Park

PO Box 34523 Lusaka, Zambia


You may get more details here. You may also contact them by submitting your query here.

What factors affect the share price of a company?

The share price will be influenced by a number of factors, some of which are outside the company’s control. The factors may include:

  • the performance and prospects of the company or the industry in which the company operates;
  • political, general economic, financial and stock market conditions;
  • perceptions of investors about the above factors.


As with all listed shares, the share price of Zambeef on the Lusaka Securities Exchange can go up or down. If you sell your shares, you may receive more or less than you originally paid for them.

Where can I find information about the Zambeef share price?

Historical share price performance may be viewed from our share chart. You may download the chart as an image into .png, . jpg, .svg or .pdf format, or download the raw data into either .csv or .xls formats by clicking the ‘download’ icon on the top right corner of the chart on our website.

I want to buy your shares, how can I go about this?

Please note that you will require the services of a professional and Lusaka Securities Exchange approved stock broker who will provide you with all the necessary advice, information and help you need. Please follow this link to view the stockbrokers/ analysts who can assist you:

How do I contact the Lusaka Securities Exchange?

The contact details of the exchange are available on their website.

When did the company list?

Zambeef Products Plc listed on the Lusaka Securities Exchange on 7 February 2003, and on the London Stock Exchange's AIM Market on 23 June 2011.

What is your ISIN reference number on the Lusaka Securities Exchange?

Our ISIN code is ZM0000000201

How do I set up a share trading account?

Please contact a registered stock broker in Zambia. Their contact details are available on the stock exchange website.

Why has your share price fallen?

The share price will be influenced by a number of factors, some of which are outside the company’s control. The factors may include:

  • the performance and prospects of the company or the industry in which the company operates;
  • political, general economic, financial and stock market conditions;
  • perceptions of investors about the above factors.

As with all listed shares, the share price of Zambeef on the Lusaka Securities Exchange can go up or down. You must get professional advice when considering investing in our shares.

Why has your share price risen?

The share price will be influenced by a number of factors, some of which are outside the company’s control. The factors may include:

  • the performance and prospects of the company or the industry in which the company operates;
  • political, general economic, financial and stock market conditions;
  • perceptions of investors about the above factors.

As with all listed shares, the share price of Zambeef on the Lusaka Securities Exchange can go up or down. You must get professional advice when considering investing in our shares.

Can I download the company share chart image?

Yes. You may download the chart as an image into .png, . jpg, .svg or .pdf format, or download the raw data into either .csv or .xls formats by clicking the ‘download’ icon on the top right corner of the chart on our website.

Can I download the share price data from the company share chart in Excel?

Yes. You may download the raw data into either .csv or .xls formats, or download the chart as an image into .png, . jpg, .svg or .pdf format, by clicking the ‘download’ icon on the top right corner of the chart on our website.

How can I get the daily end-of-day prices of your company?

We do provide weekly email alerts of the share performance of our company. You may sign-up to receive email notifications of future price alerts from the company here.

How can I get the daily end-of-day price sheet of the Lusaka Securities Exchange?

You may register on the Investor Mailing List on (the pan-African investor portal) to receive the LuSE (and any other market) prices on a daily or weekly basis here.

How has your share price compared with the index?

You may view the performance of our share price versus the Lusaka All Share Index on our chart here.

Does the company tweet its investor relations information and share price?

You may view the company’s investor information on the Twitter handle @Africafinancial and use the cash-tag $, which is disseminated under the #IMLZambia and #imlagrindustry hashtags.

How many shares in issue does the company have?

Shares in issue may change at any time. You can always see the current figure on our website here.

Which stock indices do your share fall under?

Our stock falls under the Lusaka All Share Index.

When do you release your half year financial results?

Our half year-end is 30 April. Half year results are usually released in or before July of the same year.


You may sign-up to receive email notifications of future release of our financial reports here.

How can I obtain a copy of the annual report and accounts?

Our annual reports are available for download in PDF from the Downloads page of our website. If you subscribe to receive investor updates from us, we will send you the links to the reports upon release. Hard copies of our financial reports may be requested from the Company Secretary.

When do the full year abridged results come out?

Our year-end is 30 September. Full-year abridged results are usually released in or before December of the same year.


You may sign-up to receive email notifications of future release of our financial reports here.

Do you host investor presentations for full and half year earnings?

Yes we do. You may sign-up to receive email notifications of future events from the company here.

Contact Investor Relations

Do you have a share-related query?
Contact us at