2017 Interim financial results


2017 Interim financial results

Performance Overview

Half year performance characterised by a challenging economic environment in Zambia and a major drop in soft commodity prices significantly impacting the Group’s financial performance

Despite this, the Group has delivered a strong top line performance, driven by:

  • Excellent sales and volume growth in the Retail and Cold Chain Food Products division
  • Continued aggressive expansion of this retail network
  • Robust operational performance from the Farming and Stock feed operations

Two Macro outlets opened with a further eight expected to open this year

  • Aim to open 10-12 new Macro outlets each year

Shoprite rollout of new stores continues

  • Zambia – three more expected in the second half
  • Nigeria – three new stores opened
  • Ghana – one new store opened in April 2017

Second half of the year expected to see a significant number of key projects

  • Continue to grow the retail network and drive retail sales to help grow CCFP and stock feed operations
  • Commission new Copperbelt distribution hub which will increase capacity and improve
    efficiencies in the Copperbelt and North Western Province operations
  • Complete expansion of breeding farm and hatchery to increase day-old chick production from 210,000 to 310,000 birds per week
  • Expand broiler processing operations to increase production by 30,000 birds per week
  • Commission new stock feed plant at Mpongwe to bring additional stock feed capacity on line

Continue to look at ways of strengthening our balance sheet through disposal of non-core assets

2017 March HY Consolidated Financial Results.pdf
2017 March HY Results Presentation.pdf